Program Requirements

We are thrilled to have you in the Crosby Scholars Program! As a Crosby Scholar in the Middle School Program - 6th, 7th, and 8th grade - or High School Program - 9th and 10th grade - You are expected to complete just three (3) requirements each year. Crosby Scholars in our Junior/Senior Program will have additional program requirements. *Note that Crosby Scholars is available in Forsyth, Iredell and Rowan counties. 

Being a Crosby Scholar is easy as 1-2-3

1. Attend one (1) Crosby Scholars Academy each school year.

  • Academies are workshops that help prepare students and develop their academic and interpersonal skills. We offer a variety of topics to choose from including SMART goals, leadership, study skills, self-care and communication.
  • These sessions are highly interactive and hosted by experienced teachers, college professors, or guest speakers.
  • Academies are offered both in-person and virtually via Zoom.
  • Registration is required in CrosbyConnect.

2. Complete and submit two (2) hours of community service each year.

  • Once your hours are completed, please submit in CrosbyConnect.
  • Check out our Community Service Webpage for in-person and virtual ideas.
  • You may turn in your online community service form any time. Your parent or guardian can be listed to verify your hours – You do not need to wait until the deadline!

3. Avoid receiving Out-of-School Suspension.

  • This suspension violates the program requirements and the Partnership Agreement signed when joining the Crosby Scholars Community Partnership.
  • Receiving out-of-school suspension will result in dismissal from the Program.