Submitting your Community Service Form is easy!

  1. Submit the online form here. An adult signature is not required.
  2. Upload a completed 2021-22 Community Service Form to your Crosby Scholars Student Portal on the My Documents page, which is the dropdown of the My Crosby. You will see a field for 2021-22 Community Service Form.
  3. Email a picture of your form to our office:
  4. Text a picture of your form to our office:
    • Grades 11-12: (336) 777-7140
  5. Fax you form to (336) 725-1321
  6. Make a copy or take a picture of your form for your records and mail it to Crosby Scholars Community Partnership at 2701 University Parkway, Winston-Salem, NC 27105.
  7. Make a copy or take a picture of the form for your records and submit it at your school's Student Services office.