For College. For Life.

The Fundamentals

Why Brand?

A brand is a reflection of the organization and builds reputation.

These brand guidelines summarize the image, primary message, and ways we represent Crosby Scholars. Consistency in our brand across the organization generates name recognition.

We strive to uphold the brand of Crosby Scholars and continually inform and engage our audiences to project cohesiveness and excellence. Our brand is a tool to be and stay at the top of our game in relevance.

Mission + Vision

Mission: We will assist public middle and high school students in Forsyth County in preparing themselves for successful college enrollment.

As approved by the Crosby Scholars Board of Directors in 2019. 

Vision: To ensure that every public school student in Forsyth County has the opportunity to attend college.

Our Voice

Our brand isn’t just about what we’s about how we say it. Our brand voice brings our personality to life so that every message is Crosby Scholars, and builds community.